Day 7 – Design your wwworld

Sunday morning started like any other, with an exciting battle of a top 10 knowledge quiz. This time it was about the most sold music artists in the world. After a dancing energizer, we spend time learning about one of the most interesting aspects of social media, that of designing a website from scratch. It appears that the main competing easy-to-use no-code website creation tools are called ”WordPress”, “Wix”, “SquareSpace” and “Weebly”. Trainer Bojan spent quite a lot of time teaching us WordPress pretty extensively, from basic home page design to complicated things such as top menus and galleries.

We also learned the best practices about website design and what things to avoid, such as unattractive design choices or repeating backgrounds. All of it was a very fulfilling experience because a lot of us had never designed a website before in our lives, as creating one without knowing HTML or coding was impossible before websites such as WordPress came out. With our newly gained experience, our teams were ready to create website designs for each of our brands in the afternoon session with Trainer Ritsa.

In the afternoon, we started with the top 10 visited websites worldwide and continued with a quick energizer. Everyone had to close their eyes and we had to start counting to 20, without people talking at the same time and everyone saying a number only once. It’s a game about enhancing your senses, feeling the people around you, and finding the right moment to speak. It took a few tries, but we made it eventually! Afterward, we were given 30 minutes to visualize and put on paper our brand’s homepage and then present it to everyone. Then, we had quite a bit of time to prepare with our brand’s team the website using WordPress. We basically had to use all the morning theory and divide tasks in order to get everything done in time. By the end of the afternoon session all four teams – WakaEko, Karo, Paradiso, and YODO –  presented their final website design.

We ended the day with some cool board games that Ritsa brought for us.

Article created by Konstantinos Zografos from Greece & Maria Alexandra Juncanariu from Romania

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